Learning Resources

Learning Resources

Whether you're visiting the Aquarium yourself, with your family or are organizing a class trip, here are some handy resources to help you before you arrive.

For individuals, families or groups:

For educators:

Need links to other environmental organizations?

Educator Workshops

Calling all Educators! Are you interested in learning more about the ocean? Looking for ways to encourage student engagement and excitement about marine science?

Join us throughout the school year at one (or all) of our Educator Workshops!

From local habitats and marine life to relevant environmental issues, our workshops provide both formal and informal educators with unique and innovative content, methods, resources, and experiences to develop and share in (and out of) the “classroom”.

  • Project Wet: Saturday, Feb 1, 9am-12noon
    Get familiar with the tools and activities of Project WET (Water Education Today) as we look at our connections to the ocean through the watershed. Visit the nearby Salt Marsh, the Salinas de San Pedro, and observe its many inhabitants!
  • Mysteries of the Kelp Forest (Rescheduled): Saturday, Feb 22, 10am-1pm
    Discover the hidden wonders of Southern California's Kelp Forest! Get up close with local species in the Marine Science Lab. Examine the role seaweed plays in supporting local ecosystems and our global climate. Try out some fun seaweed STEAM activities!
  • Plastic Soup with Algalita: Saturday, March 22,  9am-12noon
    Join Algalita Marine Research and Education in learning about how microplastics impact our ocean and what educators can do about it! Learn about the science involved in studying the issues as you try out hands-on "Plastic Soup" and "Synthetic Sand" classroom investigation kits!
  • Tidepools for Teachers: Saturday, April 5, 9am-12noon
    Discover what the low tide will uncover with an introduction to the rocky shore habitat! Explore the Point Fermin Tidepools, learn and interact with local species, and try out some "Seashore STEAM" activities, adaptable for the classroom. 
  • Ichthyology: Saturday, May 3, 9am - 12noon
    Learn about the diversity of fish living off of the coast of Southern California. Get up closer with local species, investigate the internal and external anatomy of a Pacific Mackerel during a hands-on fish dissection and practice printing fish through the Japanese art of Gyotaku.

*LAUSD P.D. Hours are available for most workshops

All workshops are free to attend. Space is limited - Reservations are required

For more information and/or to be added to our mailing list please contact: teacher.workshop@cmaqua.org

Ocean Discovery Kits 

Teachers bring students to the Aquarium all the time, but what is another way to help teachers incorporate CMA’s ocean expertise in the classroom? Our specimen loan program called Ocean Discovery Kits!

The Ocean Discovery Kits are designed to complement NGSS. Loan services are available to teachers and non-profit educators who complete the workshop held at the aquarium at the start of every school year (RSVP required). Educators can check-out up to two kits per year for two weeks each. This workshop is currently approved for 4 hours of professional development through LAUSD's Joint Salary Point Credit Committee.

The Ocean Discovery Kits consist of themed boxes. Each kit is packed with preserved specimens, bones, books, models and a resource guide that includes lesson plans and hands-on classroom activities.

There are eight Ocean Discovery Kits to choose from:

  • Marine Fossils & Sand
  • Plankton & Algae
  • Marine Invertebrates
  • Sharks, Skates & Rays
  • Bony Fishes
  • Marine Birds & Reptiles
  • Marine Mammals
  • Ocean Stewardship
Lecture topic: Climate Change and Weather

Warming oceans, melting ice, and rising seas, Dr. Ian Fenty, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory     
Arctic climate as Documented by Algal Rocks, Dr. Branwen Williams, Claremont McKenna College    
California Drought - Are We In or Out?, Dr. Bill Patzert, Climatologist, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Teacher resources:     
Lesson Plan - Climate     
Worksheet - Climate     
Library Pathfinder - Climate

Lecture topic: Marine Mammals

Beautiful Minds: Dolphins, Apes and the origins of Human Intelligence, Dr. Craig Stanford, USC     
The amazing underwater world of blue and humpback whales: new tags provide insights into their lives and the threats they face, John Calambokidis, Cascadia Research    
An urgent message from Mexico’s vaquita porpoise: protect me, protect life (yours included), Dr. Barbara Taylor, Southwest Fisheries Science Center

Teacher resources    
Lesson Plan - Marine Mammals    
Worksheet - Marine Mammals    
Library Pathfinder - Marine Mammals

Graphics - Whales

Lecture topic: Sharks

Return of Big Predators to California Waters, Dr. Chris Lowe, CSU Long Beach 

Teacher resources   
Lesson Plan - Sharks   

Graphics - Shark Parts   
Graphics - Shark Games

Lecture topic: Marine Fishes

Surf, Sand, and Silversides: Research and Outreach with California Grunion, Dr. Karen Martin, Pepperdine University   
Ovaries, Testes, and Copulatory Structures – Oh My! The Importance of Understanding   
Reproduction of Fishes, Dr. Kristy L. Forsgren, California State University, Fullerton  
The Return of the Kelp Forest King, Dr. Larry G. Allen, California State University, Northridge   
Beyond Big Fish, Restoring the Southern California Rocky Reef Ecosystem, Dr. Dan Pondella, Occidental College and Southern California Marine Institute (SCMI) 

Teacher resources   
Library Pathfinder - Fish Reproduction

Lecture topic: Marine Invertebrates

Parasites and food webs, Dr. Kevin Lafferty, US Geological Survey and UC Santa Barbara  
Hugs and Drugs from Sea Slugs, Dr. Patrick J. Krug, California State University Los Angeles  
If We Make Their Bed, They Will Lie In It: Restoration of Native Olympia Oysters in Southern California, Dr. Danielle Zacherl, California State University, Fullerton

Teacher resources       
Library Pathfinder - Marine Invertebrates

Lecture topic: Plankton and Deep Sea

Do Swimming Animals Mix the Ocean?, Dr. John O. Dabiri, Stanford  
The Vast Frontier: Tales From the Darkside, Mike Schaadt, Cabrillo Marine Aquarium  
Harmful Algal Blooms Along the California Coast, Dr. David Caron, USC  
The Universe Below: Explorations of Life in the Deep Sea, Dr. Shana Goffredi, Occidental College

Teacher resources   
Lesson Plan - Plankton and Deep Sea  
Worksheets - Plankton  
Library Pathfinder - Plankton and Deep Sea

Graphic - Currents  
Graphic - Diatom Art  
Graphic - Plankton ID

Lecture topic: Human Impacts and Aquaculture

There is a great future in plastics: So what’s the big (and little) deal?, Shelly Moore, Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP)  
Teaming with Nature in Managing Urban Runoff: More Bang for the Buck!, Dr. John Dorsey, Loyola Marymount University  
Advances in beach water quality monitoring, Dr. Stephen Weisberg, Southern California Coastal Water Research Project  
Sewers to Sanddabs: Profiling Orange County Sanitation District’s Ocean Monitoring Program, Dr. Jeff Armstrong, Environmental Supervisor, Orange County Sanitation District-Ocean Monitoring Program   
Outlook on the Outer Continental Shelf for Offshore Energy, Dr. Ann Bull, Chief of Environmental Sciences Section Pacific Region, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management  
The Future of Food from the Sea, Dr. Steve Gaines, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, UC Santa Barbara  
Aquaculture - The Fight for our Local Seafood, Kelly Stromberg, Catalina Sea Ranch   
"The Golden Shore - California's Love Affair with the Sea", David Helvarg, Executive Director of Blue Frontier

Teacher resources  
Lesson Plan - Human Impacts  
Worksheet - Human Impacts  
Library Pathfinder - Human Impacts

Lecture topic: Rocky Intertidal

Ecological Consequences of Thermal Stress on Wave-Swept Shores: Insights from a Model Ecosystem, Dr. Bengt J. Allen, California State University, Long Beach  
Tides of change: Trends in Rocky Intertidal Communities, Dr. Richard F. Ambrose, UCLA

Teacher resources   
Lesson Plan - Rocky Intertidal  
Worksheet- Rocky Intertidal

Graphic - Invertebrate Cut Out Cards

Lecture topic: Salt Marshes and Wetlands

Designing solutions to restore wetlands in a time of change, Dr. Christine Whitcraft, California State University, Long Beach  
Unearthing the Historical Wetlands of Southern California, Dr. Shawna Dark, CSU Northridge

Teacher resources  
Lesson Plan - Wetlands  
Worksheet - Bird Skeleton and Beak  
Library Pathfinder - Wetlands

Graphic - Migration Game Cards  
Graphic - Salt Marsh Poster