White Seabass
Atractoscion nobilis
The white seabass is a type of croaker that lives in kelp forests and along rocky reefs. Juveniles often live in eel grass beds. White seabass occur from Alaska to Baja Mexico. The body is gray-blue, bronze, or yellowish above, sometimes with dark speckling, silvery below. Newly settled juveniles have large brown midline stripes and heavy vertical dark bars. Older juveniles are silvery, brown, golden, or reddish, with dark bars. This species can grow to 5 feet (166 cm) long.
White seabass mostly feed on fishes, such as anchovies and sardines, but may also eat squid. They are broadcast spawners (release egg and sperm in water column), with multiple males (about 2 to 7) simultaneously releasing gametes to fertilize the eggs of a spawning female. The reproduction season occurs from March through July and peaks in May, with the majority of spawning events occurring over a 2-hour period.
White seabass are usually found at the Aquarium in tank number 21, 25, 33 and the Tidepool Touch Tank.